
Scientific Research is fundamental in understanding the needs of wildlife today. Here’s some resources to get you started in learning more about the crisis and mitigation efforts to save the African wild elephant.


Elephants are under threat from environmental changes, poaching and human-animal conflict. We offer flexible, fun and engaging materials to help teachers engage students in the global and pressing issue of elephant extinction.


Elephantics is spreading the word and unifying the people through fun events and activities! Here’s photos and information from our recent events including our participation in the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos.

Events and Actions

African Elephant Scholarship Update!

African Elephant Conservation Scholarship held with Mara Elephant Project Update!

BREAKING NEWS: Canada enacts historic ban on elephant ivory and rhino horn trade

BREAKING: Canada enacts historic ban on elephant ivory and rhino horn trade!

Strengthening the International Legal Framework to Tackle IWT

Elephanatics, along with other organizations and subject-matter experts, has co-signed and supports initiatives introduced and outlined in a letter written by John Scanlon, Chair, Global Initiative to End Wildlife Crime. The letter addresses the need to strengthen the international legal…