
Volunteers are the backbone of an organization. They provide time, energy and talents that can produce game-changing and historical events. They generate enthusiasm and interest that help to create a positive image of the organization. Elephanatics has been lucky enough to find some of these people, but we are always in search of more talent!

Volunteer Opportunities for Elephanatics

  • Calling all students!  Become a Student Ambassador for Elephanatics!

We are looking for enthusiastic, elephant (animal) loving advocates to help continue our goal of spreading the word about the ongoing poaching and human elephant conflict crises facing the African elephant.

Student Ambassador Duties

1) You would be in charge of formulating new and creative ways to share our cause, whether it be through fundraising ideas or social media OR hosting volunteer fairs at your school.

2) You would be in charge of finding other students to assist you with our volunteer openings and coordinate activities pertaining to ongoing community outreach.

3) The perfect candidate would speak other languages that would benefit a multicultural audience (optional)

5) You would hold our organization’s values and beliefs that elephants need to be protected not only because they are a keystone species, but because they are sentient beings.

6) Promote and sell our online merchandise! (Optional)

Volunteer Options For Anyone Not Just Students:

  • Delivery of short classroom presentations – a volunteer willing to read our specific books to primary grades about poaching
  • Fundraiser organizers – leaders to take charge and start a fundraiser for elephants. It can be as easy as promoting our online merchandise to friends and sharing with other contacts!
  • Letter writing and petition circulation – start a campaign to help elephants by writing your political candidates
  • Social Media Involvement –  Twitter, Instagram, Facebook posting expertise
  • Blog enthusiast/contributor
  • Hold a Volunteer fair at a school as part of their community awareness program
  • Volunteer coordinator
  • There are many ways to help volunteer and fundraise. This article is full of fun and exciting ways to help elephants!
  • Take part in our #Ivory-FreeCanada campaign – see below:

    The following organizations are working together as a coalition to act in concert to end the legal trade of elephant ivory and rhinoceros horn in Canada: Elephanatics, Humane Society International-Canada; World Elephant Day; Global March Elephants and Rhinos – Toronto; and the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada. Please join the Ivory-Free Canada coalition and tell our government to end the legal domestic trade of elephant ivory. Look for our campaign –#IvoryFreeCanada. Sign and Share our petition at: change.org/IvoryFreeCanada

If you would like to donate your time to us, contact us at elephanaticsinfo@gmail.com, or fill out the form below: