For Elementary Teachers


A Special Letter to Teachers and Principals

  • Explore our enriching and meticulously crafted lesson plans tailored for elementary school teachers.
  • Designed to captivate and educate students aged 8-11, these activities delve into the fascinating world of elephants and the critical importance of their conservation.
  • Easily access our full range of elementary lesson plans with a simple click, available below for immediate download.
  • Our lesson plans are universally adaptable, aligning seamlessly with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and other standards in both the US and Canada.

Join our Elephanatics’ Teacher Community! Take a moment to share your experiences and insights using our resources. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping future materials. Participate in our survey and get a chance to win exclusive Elephanatics swag in our monthly draw! Click here to access our user-friendly feedback form and make your valuable contribution.

Elephant Conservation Lesson Plans: Exploring Elephants, Ecology, and Action


Trunks of Hope: T-Shirt Design Mission for Elephant Conservation

This lesson engages students in creative strategies for raising awareness about elephant conservation through designing t-shirts, incorporating structured discussions, research, and collaborative design activities.

Ivory is for Elephants

Are Elephants Colorblind?

Investigate the visual perception of elephants and understand their view of the world.

Letters for Life

Engage in letter writing to support elephant conservation, highlighting the importance of this civic action.

Elephants Matter Too

Discover the emotional and behavioral similarities between humans and elephants.

Different Lives

Explore empathy for elephants and learn the differences between African and Asian elephants. Understand the contrasting lives of wild elephants and those in captivity for tourism.

Educational Presentation – Ivory Is For Elephants

Explore More: A Treasure Trove of Resources for Teachers

Delve into a world of educational resources tailored for teachers. Our curated selection offers a variety of tools and materials to enrich your teaching experience and enhance classroom learning. These resources below are designed to support and inspire your students. Be sure to check them out for fresh ideas and effective approaches to teaching and learning. They’re just a click away, ready to make your classroom even more rewarding for your students!

Engaging Classroom Presentations on Elephant Conservation

Empower Your Classroom with Knowledge: We’re thrilled to offer educators an enriching opportunity to bring conservation topics to life right in your classroom or organization. Our team is prepared to deliver engaging PowerPoint presentations, each lasting 1 hour, on a variety of critical issues affecting elephants and our environment. Topics include:

  • The dire consequences of poaching and habitat loss on African elephants and actionable ways we can all contribute to their protection.
  • Understanding how elephants mitigate global warming and the pivotal role they play in combating climate change.
  • The importance of elephants in maintaining healthy biodiversity and ecosystems.
  • Cultivating empathy towards animals among children, fostering a generation that values and protects our planet’s wildlife.

A Heartfelt Appreciation to Our Educators: Your dedication to fostering a compassionate and knowledgeable environment inspires us daily. Please read our thank you to teachers.

Conservation Through Classroom Presentations

Unlock a world of learning with our downloadable PowerPoint presentations designed specifically for educators like you. Dive into engaging, ready-to-use slides that show the critical issues facing the majestic elephant. These presentations are crafted to captivate your students’ imaginations, fostering a deep understanding of conservation, the importance of biodiversity, and the ethical treatment of animals. Bring the conversation about elephant conservation into your classroom and watch young minds awaken to the beauty and significance of protecting our Earth’s precious inhabitants.

BackyardBio: Celebrating Global Biodiversity with Schools Around the World

Join our global initiative with BackyardBio, connecting schools across continents to celebrate biodiversity. Participate in activities like observing local wildlife and sharing discoveries, culminating in the International Day of Biodiversity. BackyardBio is a project run by Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants, encouraging the public, especially school classrooms, to get out in nature and observe and document the amazing wildlife near them!

Project Ideas for Science Class or After School Clubs

Creating science projects centered around elephants and conservation is a great way to engage students with environmental science, biology, and conservation efforts. Here are several project ideas that span different aspects of these topics. They can be adjusted in complexity for different age groups and can be designed to encourage individual research, teamwork, and creative thinking. They offer a hands-on approach to learning about conservation, the challenges elephants face, and how everyone can contribute to their preservation.

  • Elephant Habitat Model: Build a scale model of an elephant habitat, emphasizing the necessary components for their survival such as water sources, food, and shelter. Discuss the impact of habitat loss and ways to mitigate it.
  • Tracking the Giants: GPS and Elephant Migration: Use online tools or software to simulate the tracking of elephant migrations with GPS data. Students can learn about elephant migration patterns, the importance of corridors, and how technology aids in conservation.
  • The Ivory Trade Research Project: Conduct a research project on the ivory trade’s history, its impact on elephant populations, and the global efforts to combat this trade. Present findings through posters, presentations, or a report.
  • Water for Elephants: Explore how water scarcity affects elephants and other wildlife. Students can design solutions or campaigns to save water or support water provision in elephant habitats, linking it to wider conservation efforts.
  • Elephant Communication: Investigate how elephants communicate with each other through sounds, touch, and chemical signals. Students can create presentations or models demonstrating different communication methods.
  • Create an Elephant Diet Plan: Research what elephants eat and how much food they require daily. Students can plan a weekly diet for an elephant in a conservation park or sanctuary, considering nutritional needs and food sources.
  • The Impact of Human-Elephant Conflict: Study the causes and effects of human-elephant conflicts in different regions. Propose solutions or initiatives that could reduce conflict and promote coexistence, such as bee-fence projects.
  • Elephant Enrichment Toys: Design and possibly build a model of an enrichment toy or tool for elephants in zoos or sanctuaries to stimulate their natural behaviors. Discuss the importance of mental health and stimulation for captive elephants.
  • Poaching Prevention Strategies: Research different strategies used worldwide to prevent elephant poaching. Students can create a campaign or propose a new solution based on their findings, highlighting the role of technology and community involvement.
  • Elephants and Climate Change: Investigate how climate change impacts elephants’ habitats and food sources. Students can create posters or digital presentations showcasing their findings and suggesting ways to mitigate these impacts.
  • Elephant Genetics and Conservation: Explore the role of genetics in elephant conservation, such as the study of genetic diversity and the impact of inbreeding. This could involve research projects or discussions based on scientific articles.
  • Advocacy and Awareness Campaign: Develop an advocacy campaign to raise awareness about elephants and their conservation status. This could include creating educational materials, social media content, or organizing a school-wide event.

Empower Your Class with Elephant Fundraising

Teachers, inspire your students to make a difference with the Elephanatics Elephant Education Fundraising Kit. This resource is a foundation for creativity and activism in your classroom. Encourage your students to infuse their own innovative ideas, crafting a fundraiser that resonates with your class’s unique spirit. Don’t miss the Introductory Letter for additional guidance on personalizing your fundraising kit. Together, let’s turn your classroom into a vibrant hub for elephant conservation!


Educator’s Guide to Elephant Literacy

Our Educator’s Guide to Elephant Literacy is specially curated to help you bring the wonders of these magnificent creatures into your classroom. From engaging young minds with stories of elephant adventures to enriching adult learners with in-depth conservation insights, this collection offers a diverse range of materials to support learning across all ages. Explore our selection of books and apps designed not only to educate but also to inspire stewardship for these gentle giants. Embark on a journey through literature and technology to deepen your students’ understanding of elephants, their habitats, and the critical role of conservation.

Educational Books for Adults
Educational Books for Kids
Apps for Older Kids And Adults
  • WWF Together: Immerse yourself in the world of amazing animals, including elephants, through this beautifully designed app.
  • The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust: Connect with the efforts to protect and conserve elephants in the wild, and learn how you can help.
Apps for Young Children
  • The Elephant’s Child: An interactive storybook that brings the enchanting world of elephants right to your fingertips.
  • Real Animals HD: Perfect for kids 4+, explore the animal kingdom with fun and educational content.

Educator’s Guide to Elephant Conservation Videos

As educators, we have the unique opportunity to guide our students through the complex narrative of wildlife conservation, focusing on elephants as a keystone species. This collection of informational videos has been specifically curated to enrich your curriculum and provide a dynamic, multimedia approach to learning. From the ethical dilemmas surrounding the ivory trade to the innovative solutions tackling human-elephant conflicts, each video serves as a powerful educational tool. Let these videos be a starting point for discussions, projects, and a deeper understanding of the significance of conservation efforts worldwide.

Key Educational Videos:
Further Learning:

Expand your educational toolkit with additional videos covering diverse topics such as elephant family structures, the role of religion in poaching, and firsthand accounts from global conservation marches. These resources are designed to complement your lessons, stimulate critical thinking, and inspire your students to explore solutions for wildlife conservation.

Showcasing Our Impact: Schools and Online Engagements

A Glimpse into Our Classrooms: Explore our compilation of classroom presentations given across San Diego and Vancouver, showcasing the passionate discussions and innovative projects undertaken by students and teachers alike to protect elephants.


Save The Elephants: Classroom Champions: Our heartfelt thanks go to the educators and students at Encanto Elementary School in SanDiego for sharing information about the importance of keeping them from extinction with other classrooms in their school. 

Fostering Compassion and Empathy: Through our presentations, we strive to teach compassion and empathy towards elephants, sharing their emotional depth and intelligence with students. Our initiatives, such as the Elephanatics Club and Elephant Earth Day, exemplify the powerful impact of education in action.

Students in San Diego, California, stand in defense of elephants and pledge compassion to bring awareness to the crisis facing these majestic animals.









Earth Day: Elephant Earth Day at Braemar Elementary School in North Vancouver was a wonderful day for the elephants! Sixty students listened to the ‘Saving the Elephant’ in-class presentation about the poaching crisis, given by our Director of Education, Fran Duthie. They made placards and marched the school shouting: “SAVE ALL ELEPHANTS!”  Thank you for your support, Braemer Elementary!

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Learning About Poaching: At the annual, “Reading is Fundamental” event at the University of British Columbia, Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and Beta Theta Pi fraternity taught children at University Hill Elementary about the African elephant poaching crisis.

Saving the Elephant: The poaching crisis PowerPoint presentation taught by our Chief Program Officer, Andrea and our Director of Education, Fran to the Grade 2-3 and 3-4 classes.


The poaching crisis PowerPoint presentation taught by our Director of Education, Fran to a Grade 2 class in San Diego.

Lesson Plans for Teachers: Our Director of Education, Fran, and the Chief Program Officer, Andrea, presented all of our lesson plans at a professional development day for K-12 teachers. They were eager to start using them!

Attention Teachers: Enhance Your Lessons with Elephant Snapshots!

We invite you to explore our collection of elephant photographs, perfect for enriching your classroom projects. Whether you’re planning a lesson, a presentation, or a creative activity, these images capture the beauty and grandeur of elephants, offering a fantastic visual aid for your students.

These three featured photos, provided by Heather, are available for your educational use. Incorporate these striking images into your teaching materials to bring a touch of wildlife wonder to your classroom.


The captivating trio of elephant photos showcased below are credited to Jasper, captured in the stunning environment of Kruger National Park, South Africa. These images are available for use in classroom projects, thanks to Jasper’s kind permission. Explore and use these remarkable snapshots to enhance your educational creations!